Thursday, March 7, 2013

Roast Guide-Braising Beef or Pot Roasting

Ok, well obviously the winter has put me into a blog slump! Not to mention the fact that I'm helping run the farm, homeschooling 2 kids and have a baby forever connected to me & I'm trying to keep the house together and everyone clothed and fed! That's just the life of a mom though.  I have been newly inspired to blog about food...well specifically beef roasts!
A Recent Riemer Round Roast (say that 10 times fast)
Since it's still very chilly and wintery outside I am going to share a few quick and simple guides to the common beef roasts and common cooking methods.  Starting with Braising or Pot Roasting.

Braising beef according to Wikipedia: Braising relies on heat, time, and moisture to break down the tough connective tissue collagen in meat, making it an ideal way to cook tougher cuts. Many classic braised dishes such as coq au vin are highly evolved methods of cooking tough and otherwise unpalatable foods (*not that Riemer Beef is ever unpalatable). Pressure cooking and slow cooking (e.g., crockpots) are forms of braising.

Ideal cuts to Pot Roast are the Chuck, Round and Brisket (think corn beef and hash)

Beef Cut
Approximate cooking time (Covered Over Low Heat)
Chuck Pot Roast (Shoulder, Arm or Blade)
2.5-4 #
2-3 hrs

Short Ribs
2 x 2 x4 inch
1 3/4 hrs
Round Roast
3-4 #
3 hrs
Round Steak
1 to 1.5 inches thick
2 hrs
2.5-3.5 #
3 hrs

With any of the above cuts follow these steps:

  1. Slowly brown on all sides in small amount of oil in heavy pan.  I love to use my iron skillet. Season the beef with herbs or spices as desired. 
  2. Add small amount of liquid (1/2-2 cups). You can use broth, water, juice, beer or wine.
  3. Cover tightly and simmer gently over low heat on top of the range or in a preheated 325 degree oven according to the cart above.
  4. With about an hour left to cook you can add your favorite veggies.  Root veggies work best i.e. potato, carrots, turnips.
Don't forget the gravy! the cooking liquid can be thickened with flour or cornstarch and reduced for a sauce!

Enjoy, stay warm and stay tuned for more recipes...I promise!
*my addition


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