How To Order

1) E-mail or call us so that we can reserve your order and give you further information to place your cutting order (on a quarter or side only).

2) Please send a $100 deposit on orders of a quarter or side of beef or 1/2 or whole hog. Deposits are not necessary on smaller orders. Please make checks out to Riemer Family Farm. This helps us know that we have secure orders and don't get stuck with too much meat in our freezer.  We want our customers to have the freshest meat possible.

3) Call the processor to place your cutting order. On bulk orders, you can place your cutting order directly with the processor to request custom cuts.  We will help answer any questions you might have about placing your cutting order and our processor is wonderful about answering questions for folks that are not accustom to ordering meat in bulk. See "Beef Cut Chart" page for more info.

4)  After your animal has been processed we will e-mail you an invoice. You have the option of paying via bank direct transfer or by cash or check upon delivery. A check can be mailed if you pick up at the processor.

5)  We will deliver your meat to a central location in your area or you may pick it up at the processor.

See our "Availability" an "Pricing" pages for more information about prices and approximate size of orders.